Sweet Revenge Quotes

Sweet Revenge Quotes

Source:- Google.com.pk
Revenge refers to the act of inflicting punishment in return for an injury or an insult. It is also a harmful action against a person or a group to respond to a grievance, injury or wrong done to oneself. It is also known as payback.
Revenge is an action against another in an effort to retaliate against being wronged. Revenge is a spiteful and harmful act that should be avoided at all costs. An example of revenge.
Montezuma's revenge is the beautiful feeling of unease in your stomach and bowls. This normally comes from drinking the water, using ice cubes in, eating lettuce washed in water in    
When seeking revenge, try to think outside the box. Think about moving on, and finding happiness in your life. The sweetest revenge is not seeking it.
Revenge is served best when on a cold platter. The least expecting victim is the most fun, so be sneaky about it. Rubbing their toothbrush in undesired places is a great revenge strategy.Revenge is a harmful action against a person or group in response to a grievance, be it real or perceived. It is also called payback,retributionretaliation or vengeance; it may be characterized as a form of justice, an altruistic action which enforces societal or moral justice aside from the legal system. Francis Bacon described it as a kind of "wild justiceSome societies encourage the revengeful behavior which is called blood feud. These societies usually attribute the honor of individuals and groups a central role. Thus, while protecting of his reputation an avenger feels as if he restores the previous state of dignity and justice. According to Michael Ignatieff, "revenge is a profound moral desire to keep faith with the dead, to honor their memory by taking up their cause where they left off." Thus, honor may become a heritage that passes from generation to generation. Whenever it is compromised, the affected family or community members might feel compelled to retaliate against an offender to restore the initial "balance of honor" that preceded the perceived injury. This cycle of honor might expand by bringing the family members and then the entire community of the new victim into the brand-new cycle of revenge that may pervade generations

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  Sweet Revenge Quotes
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                                          Sweet Revenge Quotes
                                         Sweet Revenge Quotes