Funny Whatsapp Status Messages

I don’t care what I post on my Whatsapp status, a funny message or serious quotes about life; somebody always feels some type of way. No, I'm not sorry for anything I post, because everybody that knows me; know that I'm a very blunt person. People stay in their feelings. Do not be surprised when people who have never met you, people who have only heard about you, heard right stories or wrong stories about you. Do not be surprised when they put all their efforts to see you down.

There are people who constantly monitor your life, people who buy data bundles to inbox, whatsapp and Snapchat with one another about you, to spread lies and plan on how to bring you down. They spend their last penny to buy airtime just to call one another and share wrong information about you.
Funny Whatsapp status

Funny Whatsapp status updates!

  1. One of the most unusual things in my life is when my Whatsapp is so quiet.

  1. It's always your most fruitless girlfriend who decides to become a life coach.

  1. I find it weird that my dog probably the only one who doesn't know what whatsapp is?

  1. I'd really love your selfies on the Whatsapp way more if you swap your cell phone with a hand grenade.

  1. To the jobs who forced people to go to work in minus 50 temperatures, mean go directly to Hell.

  1. So you can follow people and not be friends with them on the Whatsapp? That's the most stalker’s things I've ever heard. In other words, that's dirty if they creep and not let you creep back that means they must be scared.

  1. Sometimes it’s good to know you're not a priority to someone anymore.

  1. It is important for us to remember that death is not the end, but only a transition to something we do not yet fully understand.

  1. Let me broadcast to Whatsapp status for making people believe they are more essential than they are.

  1. I'll continue updating silly Whatsapp statuses and captions for the community to enjoy on the Internet.

  1. I don't know if I should praise you, or send you a therapist.

  1. If you hate me now just have patience. You gone really hate me!

  1. Don't expect me to scratch your back if you refuse to scratch mine.

  1. Do you know that, females on average live 8 years longer than men only because women don’t have to deal with females!

  1. Trying to get to know you is like trying to split the red sea.

  1. I will send you a special thank you card if you stop talking about our relationship on the Whatsapp.

  1. Your boyfriend's teeth remind me that I need to go stop at Dollar General and buy some candy corn.

  1. I bet you don’t even know I dream of you.

  1. This world is 70% water and these women and guys are still thirsty.

  1. A great way to teach your kids about taxes and social security is to take 30% of their pocket money and promise to give part of it back in 70 years.

  1. It takes less than a minute to change your attitude and within that minute you can change your entire day.

  1. I don't understand why people write on their walls and whatsapp status, true love does not exist.

  1. Friend me on Facebook, follow me on instagram and twitter. Send me your life via Snapchat but do not talk to me in person.
Whatsapp cool status

Your Relationship And The Social Media!

Stop letting people in when it has to do with your relationship, twitter, Facebook, Instagram, 2go, Whatsapp etc. don't need to know. Respect your relationship and yourself by keeping your personal problems away from public platforms, they would all comment what you want to hear because they find it interesting and also want you to post more about your private life. It's a pity that some people's life can be predicted through the means of social media, most people don't care what you're going through, they just want to be entertained while you rudely fool yourself feeling very cool while people laugh their asses out of your desperate act.
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