Crazy Love Quotes Biography
I love you pretty baby
You're the only love I've ever known
Just as long as you stay with me
The whole world is my throne
Beyond here lies nothin'
Nothin' we can call our own
BOB DYLAN, "Beyond Here Lies Nothin'"
O what a heaven is love! O what a hell!
THOMAS DEKKER, Blurt, Master Constable
Love demands expression. It will not stay still, stay silent, be good, be modest, be seen and not heard, no. It will break out in tongues of praise, the high note that smashes the glass and spills the liquid.
JEANETTE WINTERSON, Written on the Body
You need a high degree of corruption or a very big heart to love absolutely everything.
Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries.
TRUMAN CAPOTE, Other Voices, Other Rooms
The blood of love welled up in my heart with a slow pain.
SYLVIA PLATH, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
What could be more serious than the love of man for woman, what more commanding, more impressive, bearing in its bosom the seeds of death; at the same time these lovers, these people entering into illusion glittering eyed, must be danced round with mockery, decorated with garlands.
VIRGINIA WOOLF, To the Lighthouse
Love is all there is, it makes the world go ’round
Love and only love, it can’t be denied
No matter what you think about it
You just won’t be able to do without it
Take a tip from one who’s tried
BOB DYLAN, "I Threw It All Away"
Why is the measure of love loss?
JEANETTE WINTERSON, Written on the Body
If they substituted the word "Lust" for "Love" in the popular songs it would come nearer the truth.
SYLVIA PLATH, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
Didn't love, like a plant from India, require a prepared soil, a particular temperature? Sighs in the moonlight, long embraces, tears flowing over hands yielded to a lover, all the fevers of the flesh and the languors of tenderness thus could not be separated from the balconies of great châteaux filled with idle amusements, a boudoir with silk blinds, a good thick carpet, full of pots of flowers, and a bed raised on a dais, nor from the sparkle of precious stones and shoulder knots on servants' livery.
Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes

Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes

Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes
Crazy Love Quotes