Love Quotes From The Bible Biography
Jacob was one of the great patriarchs of the Old Testament, but at times he was also a schemer, liar, and manipulator.
God established his covenant with Jacob's grandfather, Abraham. The blessings continued through Jacob's father, Isaac, then to Jacob and his descendants. Jacob's sons became leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel.
The younger of twins, Jacob was born holding on to his brother Esau's heel. His name means "he grasps the heel" or "he deceives." Jacob lived up to his name. He and his mother Rebekah cheated Esau out of his birthright and blessing. Later in Jacob's life, God renamed him Israel, which means "he struggles with God."
In fact, Jacob struggled with God his entire life, as many of us do. As he matured in faith, Jacob depended on God more and more. But the turning point for Jacob came after a dramatic, all-night wrestling match with God. In the end the Lord touched Jacob's hip and he was a broken man, but also a new man. From that day forward, Jacob was called Israel. And for the rest of his life he walked with a limp, demonstrating his dependence on the Lord. Jacob finally learned to give up control to God.
Jacob's story teaches us how an imperfect person can be greatly blessed by God--not because of who he or she is, but because of who God is.

Love Quotes From The Bible Biography
Jacob was one of the great patriarchs of the Old Testament, but at times he was also a schemer, liar, and manipulator.
God established his covenant with Jacob's grandfather, Abraham. The blessings continued through Jacob's father, Isaac, then to Jacob and his descendants. Jacob's sons became leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel.
The younger of twins, Jacob was born holding on to his brother Esau's heel. His name means "he grasps the heel" or "he deceives." Jacob lived up to his name. He and his mother Rebekah cheated Esau out of his birthright and blessing. Later in Jacob's life, God renamed him Israel, which means "he struggles with God."
In fact, Jacob struggled with God his entire life, as many of us do. As he matured in faith, Jacob depended on God more and more. But the turning point for Jacob came after a dramatic, all-night wrestling match with God. In the end the Lord touched Jacob's hip and he was a broken man, but also a new man. From that day forward, Jacob was called Israel. And for the rest of his life he walked with a limp, demonstrating his dependence on the Lord. Jacob finally learned to give up control to God.
Jacob's story teaches us how an imperfect person can be greatly blessed by God--not because of who he or she is, but because of who God is.
Love Quotes From The Bible
Love Quotes From The Bible
Love Quotes From The Bible
Love Quotes From The Bible
Love Quotes From The Bible
Love Quotes From The Bible
Love Quotes From The Bible
Love Quotes From The Bible
Love Quotes From The Bible
Love Quotes From The Bible
Love Quotes From The Bible

Love Quotes From The Bible
Love Quotes From The Bible
Love Quotes From The Bible
Love Quotes From The Bible