Sorry Quotes For Love

Sorry Quotes For Love biography


Love can make you laugh; love can make you cry. This page is dedicated to people who have experienced the sorrowful side of love. These sad love quotes reflect your emotions, share your grief and teach you to build your life once again. Read carefully and you will derive a lot of meaning in these valuable sad love quotes.
1. Kahlil Gibran
Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.
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2. William Butler Yeats
Hearts are not had as a gift, But hearts are earned...
3. Anonymous
The saddest thing in the world, is loving someone who used to love you.
4. Tennessee Williams
There is a time for departure even when there's no certain place to go.
5. Samuel Butler
It is better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all.
6. Toni Braxton
How could an Angel break my heart? Why didn’t he catch my falling star? I wish I didn’t wish so hard. Maybe I wished our love apart.
7. Charlie Brown
Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love.
8. Vanessa Williams
You wondered how you’d make it through. I wondered what was wrong with you. Because how could you give your love to someone else, yet share your dreams with me? Sometimes the only thing you’re looking for, is the one thing you can’t see.
If you've listened to popular music at all in the last five years, you're familiar with Lil Wayne, the original Cash Money Millionaires wunderkind whose all grown up. Despite jail stints and some drug problems, Lil Wayne's lyrics and cameo spots have made him a huge star after 2007. You should get acquainted with Lil Waynes raps, because they might be some of the best of the last few years.
What are the Ten Best Lil' Wayne Quotes? It was only a few albums ago that Lil' Wayne self-proclaimed himself as the Best rapper Alive. That statement may be hard to argue against after the New Orleans native sold 1.5 million records of The Carter 3 in one week. Lil' Wayne's musical talent has made him one of the most well-respected rap artists in the world. His lines are some of the best and most original in rap. Here are Lil Wayne's Top Ten best quotes so far.
"Safe sex is great sex, better wear a latex/ Cuz you don't want that late text, that I think I'm late text" - Lollipop remix - Not many rappers can spit a positive line about being sexually aware that makes you listen, laugh and then take action to make sure you don't get that late text.
 "Life is such a fuckin' rollercoaster then it stops/But what should I scream for, this is my theme park" - Forever - Lil Wayne spits a hot verse between three other hot rappers on this song. He keeps it real with his line on life telling us it is up and down but you must stand up to the challenge. There is no reason to be scared because the world is yours.
"Better keep paying me cuz you don't want my problems/I be wildin' like Capital One, what is in your wallet?" - Ain't Got Nothin - What rapper would take something as small as the slogan for a bank and turn it into a threat. Enough said.
"Weezy F. don't forget the F around me, and if you do then get the F from round me" - Turnin me On - For years Lil Wayne has said don't forget the F after Weezy, but this song tells you why. Because you will turn him off if you do.
"The weatherman but I do not broadcast/I throw up more cash and change the forecast" - Make it Rain remix. - This line is great because great writers show and do not tell. Instead of saying how he makes it rain, Lil' Wayne makes you think about the line, envision the action and understand that when he throws cash into the clear blue sky, that it must come down like raindrops.
"Flow is so sweet, I eat angels for dinner/Call me what you want, I don't give a finger in the middle" - Uhh Ohh - Saying I don't give a finger in the middle instead of simply I don't give a "fuck" is why it's one of Lil Wayne's best quotes.
"I'm a pill poppin animal, syrup sippin nigga/I'm so high you couldn't reach me with a fuckin' antenna" - 9mm - Rick Ross sampled this line for one of his songs, turning what Jay-Z would say a hot line into a hot song. Then there's the image of being so high an antenna, which is connected to the power of a satellite, couldn't reach you. That's just clever.
"Feet out the window, jock my shoe game/Cause all my kicks fly like Liu Kang" - Dey know remix - Making reference to Liu Kang's bicycle kick is just unheard of. Especially when saying that, like Liu Kang, whose kicks fly mid-air, Lil' Wayne's kicks/shoes, also fly when they hang out of a window and are fly if you didn't catch the double meaning.
"She wears a dress to the T like the letter/And if you make it rain she would be under the weather" - Sweetest girl - Storytelling in hip hop is very important, that is what makes a rapper more than just a rapper, and when you can tell an in-depth story about a girl lost in a world of deception and sex in less than sixteen bars, you are more than a rapper.
"I listen to her heart beat because it plays my favorite song" - Crying Out for Me - Mario sings within the chorus "I hear your heart crying out for me." Lil Wayne highlights that line in his verse, saying he listens to her heart because it speaks to him and inspires him to do better, like a favorite song.

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