Cute Winter Love Quotes

If you love someone, you must love these winter love quotes, show them, tell them, and remind them often. You never know what tomorrow will bring, and there is not a rewind button in this winter. Life is too short to hold grudges and hurts over others. Love others and avoid the regrets of the things that can be different if you swallow pride and take a positive step forward to make things right.



winter quotes

Cute winter quotes for Instagram bios!

  1. For everything you have missed, you have gained something else and for everything you gain, you lose something else, it's your outlook towards life. Try to remain positive and appreciate life's True beauty, the choice is yours; you can either regret or rejoice. Hope you will enjoy this winter season at your best.
  2. Don't quit the game because others want to play by their own rules. Today I have been blessed with the revelation that says play but play by the same rules they play by. When you do, you shift positions of authority and gain the advantage. Don't stress over winter's games, just play smarter.
  3. Love in winter is a good feeling, a male or female have never had before but make a person feel different than others.
  4. The key to a successful existence is the acceptance of self. I'm not saying don't care how you're viewed; I'm saying don't let how you're viewed determine how you see yourself. You are a winner of this winter season.
  5. What is intense winter love? One that invades your mind, captures your heart, raptures your body, and seizes your soul, all without inhibition, only total emotional, physical, and mental intoxication.
  6. People are too prideful nowadays too much pride can hurt you in some situations don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone once in a while if you want to get your winter job done.
  7. Let this winter make you better not bitter, if you can’t grow from your experience then, you will always fall into the same position.
  8. It would be wise and save a lot of heartache in this winter, if we would be mindful of how we do people, assuming that they will never get tired of the way we treat them. When we are fortunate enough to be granted another chance, we should treat it as if it's the last one because it might just be.
  9. A wise man once told me something along the lines of not allowing others attitudes, behaviors, words, emotions, and actions to affect me because it’s a waste of time and energy on my part. In this winter, I am constantly reminding myself of that.
  10. You just don’t want to tell people all what you are going through because some may take advantage of your problems to scold or jeer you that’s why when we are in problems we say all is well.
  11. In this winter, if you find someone that makes you happy why not put in the energy to transform your momentary happiness into a lifetime of joy. Invest the time and put in the work. The reward is everlasting.
  12. Before you are ready to enter into your future, you must learn a crucial lesson from the past, the lesson that obedience brings victory and blessing, while disobedience results only in defeat and regret.
  13. Sometimes we keep on doing things with right intentions, but they are taken in a different way by someone who is in state of anger. I just pray to God to make them understand the pure intentions and should respond in the same way in this winter.
  14. If you love someone tell them you never know they may feel the same way. This winter is too short to have some happiness in it.
  15. Every day you need to take a step in the direction of Mental Freedom and it still will be a lifetime journey its summer, fall or winter. Most times the mindset that is the worst for you is the one you gravitate towards the strongest. Got to stay focused & clear headed.

winter photo captions

You could do 1000's of good deeds in your life and people would still judge you on your income and whether or not you gave them the last thing they asked for.  So if you are going to do something nice for someone do it because you love doing it, making love dates in winter is one of the best thing a girl could ask her boyfriend.